Sekisui Alveo AG
Ebikonerstrasse 75
6043 Adligenswil
P +41 41 228 92 92
Head Office
Responsible for Europe, South America and Africa
The product for special applications
Alveocel is an extruded, closed-cell, easily recyclable polyolefin foam produced in continuous sheets. Within our broad range of grades and types you will find the ideal properties for all sorts of individual requirements. A few examples:
- Applications for food contact
- Tailor-made short roll collection for floor underlays
- Special products for acoustic solutions
- Structural packaging solutions

Product description
- Closed-cell extruded PO roll foams with two identical foam skins
- Thickness: 1,0–13 mm
- Width: up to 2,20 m
Product safety
- Range of softness depending on type and grade
- Fine homogeneous closed-cell structure
- Food safe
- Low emissions
- Excellent recycling properties
- Thermoplastic properties, especially for vacuum forming and press forming
- Very good properties for structure-borne sound damping
- Low water absorption and water vapour permeability
- Good weather resistance
- Inert to numerous chemicals
- Environmentally and chemically neutral
Our service
As our customer, you can count on an interesting price-performance ratio at all times. We will be glad to help you choose the right products or develop a foam tailored to your special needs.
Do you need a foam that meets a specific requirement and seek a reliable, flexible partner to provide it?
Research & development
We constantly invest in innovative products for the benefit of our customers.